
Dieppe Dash 2019

Cruising Boats arriving safely
Boat Name Sail No. Skipper Boat Make/Model Yacht Club
AelanaNoneStuart HarrisonElizabethan 29BMYC
Aquaplane NONEDarren LumleyJeanneau 41DSBMYC
BlackrocketNONERay FlowersJeanneau Cap Camaret 9.0CCBMYC
CalypsoB38C.R.ThorpeBavaria SHYC
Gilla264Jez NolanOne-off junk rigNONE
Maridadi2767CRaphael DeclercqGibsea 84BMYC
NemesisGBR 8891TLarry ColleyBeneteau 473 Oceanis ClipperSHYC
OtterGBR3037TTeresa ScottMoody 376NONE
OutrageousK 5043Last NameCamper Nicholson 303NONE
Pandora of PortseaY22Trevor DruryRamus 35BMYC
Rock and RollGBR1061LGiles CatronSadler 290BMYC
Sailfin of CowesGBR 4716LMatt CummingsBeneteau Oceanis 43NONE
SeaquinnNoneChris ProctorFeeling 326BMYC
South WindNoneRobert MartinBeneteau 343 OceanisSHYC
Ta Mera4400TGuy SutherlandContest 46BMYC
Wayzgoose Warrior7455YStuart TrowellTrident WarriorNONE

IRC Race
Boat Name Sail No. Skipper Boat Make/Model TCF Yacht Club Finish Time Elapsed Time Corrected Time Place
TemptressGBR 4718LNigel PipeSJ 3200.966SHYC19:41:5012:11:5011:46:571
Diamonds4EverGBR 6664RRobert StilesSunfast 3200 R2 1.003BMYC19:43:0012:13:0012:15:122
SummationK4830john seversSigma 330.912BMYC21:42:1514:12:1512:57:153
Electric AirGBR 3504LDavid ChildElan 371.005SHYCRTD
KereruKS 5880Peter WhittleYoung 8.80.933BMYCRTD
Matahari of ShamrockGBR 3091TColin FoxleySun Shine 380.944SYCRTD
Silver FoxGBR 2293LPaul DupretJeanneau Sun Odyssey 33i performance0.956BMYCRTD

Boat Name Sail No. Skipper Boat Make/Model TCF Yacht Club Finish Time Elapsed Time Corrected Time Place
Foule SentimentaleFRA 21772Xavier VillainBeneteau First 31.7911CVD20:32:5413:02:5414:19:231
CarabinFRA 28732Claude WeisangFirst 31.7911CVD20:21:1912:51:1914:49:002
Luna Bay3929LStephen PilkingtonBavaria 9.7 Easy960NONE22:22:2214:52:2215:29:333
Brighton BelleGBR 4145LSteve BenhamOyster 55 Ketch785BMYC21:11:0313:41:0317:25:554
Eye EyeGBR 4090TMartin CranfieldMG 346889SHYCRTD
IncognitoGBR 9450RPeter fletcherJeanneau Sunfast 32924SHYCRTD
JoulesGBR 4656LSally WhittakerElan E3885SHYCRTD
Plan BGBR 1955XMark HarroldHanse 385840SHYCRTD
Tanga LangaGBR 4770XPaul TullettBeneteau first 47.7775SHYCRTD
TwisterGBR 1505RChristopher YoungBeneteau First 31.7911SHYCRTD