Dieppe Dash 2024

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  • Event Summaries

    Dieppe Dash 2024 – summary

    In the week before Dieppe Dash 2024, the WhatsApp group messages had  included several posts focusing on the evolving weather forecasts for the day of the event. The forecasts seemed to be changing every few hours. Was the promised band of stronger wind passing through during or before the event? And how quickly and how much would the wind die down?

    By the time of the safety briefing on Thursday evening it seemed likely the conditions would be good enough for most boats to attempt to Dash. The race started at 7am on Friday morning in a choppy sea with a westerly wind giving fast boat speeds. The wind gradually lessened through the day and several spinnakers were hoisted towards the end of the trip, though many of the rally boats opted to motor the last part to ensure adequate drinking time in Dieppe.

    Of 35 boats who entered, 25 arrived safely in Dieppe by evening with two more coming the following day.  Most boats finished in sunshine, though a few arriving just before sunset were greeted with a dark rain cloud and a glorious double rainbow.

    The IRC race was won again by Redeye, with Kokomo coming second as well as getting line honours, having finished in just over 8 hours and 2 minutes.  In third place was Baradal with all boats finishing within 15 minutes of each other.

    Unfortunately the wind died too much for the last two boats in the NHC fleet to be able to cope with increasing tidal stream and they retired less that a kilometre from the finish line!  But the first two boats finished with Foule Sentimentale winning first place, beating Silver Fox by only 5 seconds on corrected time. 

    The Saturday was sunny and calm, an ideal rest day in Dieppe.  Yet again our French stakeholders were very supportive and welcoming, ensuring the continuing success of the event. Overall, this was the most successful running of Dieppe Dash since Brexit and COVID.

    See you next year.


    Dieppe Dash 2023 – summary

    In the days leading up to the 11th Dieppe Dash, there was some anxiety among the organisers about whether the wind would be too strong, according to some forecasts. However by the night before, the forecast had settled to a predicted force 5 from the west.

    31 boats had entered but inevitably some dropped out. In the end, 22 boats – 11 racing and 11 rally boats – succesfully made their way across the Channel, all arriving at a very respectable time, the last boat coming in to harbour around 7 pm BST.

    Many of the racing boats had managed to have a spinnaker up some of the time. The first to arrive was Redeye, who came first in the IRC race, with Temptress coming second and Kokomo third.

    The NHC race was dominated by French boats with Bigaro II coming first, and Foule Sentimentale coming second. Summation came in third.

    The wind died overnight and Saturday was a pleasant day with intermittent sunshine and plenty of opportunity to explore Dieppe. Les Douanes, customs and border control came to the yacht club on Saturday morning to admit everyone to the Schengen area. They were very helpful and agreed to meet crew from those boats that were leaving on Sunday morning at 7am near the top ofthe ramp from the pontoons.

    We were made very welcome in the yacht club and the organisers received lots of very positive feedback from happy sailors. Boats returning home on Sunday and Monday had rather less wind then when they arrived, with most using the engine at some stage.

    Dieppe Dash 2022 – summary

    After a gap of three years for a pandemic, the 10th Dieppe Dash felt like an exploration for the organisers. What were events such as Dieppe Dash going to be like in a post-Brexit post-COVID world? What were the new rules and how would they be implemented? There was still uncertainty about things like immigration and customs by the time we started.

    About 20 boats entered the event and 18 set off from Brighton on a morning that promised plenty of wind for the sailors, coming from the north east. Good conditions for a fast sail and a challenging lee-shore finish for the racers. And before the sunset, all boats were accounted for, excellent news for the people on the harbour arm.

    All the rally boats arrived safely, although Green Wellys, the only motor cruiser did it in two steps, via an overnight in Dover. Most of the racing boats managed to have a spinnaker up for part of the journey, which was all on the same tack. So the real skill was in keeping going as fast as possible and judging when to have a spinnaker and when not to.

    The first boat to arrive was Assuage. In the IRC fleet, 1st place went to Redeye. Kokomo came second and Baradal were third.

    In the NHC fleet, the single-handed Emocean was first, with Blue Bird second and Ascent third.

    Our concerns about difficulties arriving in France were unfounded. We were met with the same warm welcome as usual. And the weather was glorious. We have already set the date for next year. See you in Dieppe then!

    Dieppe Dash 2021 – cancellation

    Dear Dieppe Dash supporters

    In response to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, the Dieppe Dash organisers have reviewed the present UK Government rules and guidance with the proposed timline for coming out of lockdown as well as current trends in infection in UK and in France. Although yacht racing will be possible, it is unlikely that foreign travel will be sufficiently safe or permitted in time to make arrangements for the planned date of the Dieppe Dash 2021 event – 30th April.

    Therefore the organisers have decided that the event will not take place on that date.

    However, please register Friday, 29th April 2022 in your diaries when we hope to run the 2022 Dieppe Dash.

    Dieppe Dash 2020 – cancellation

    Dear Dieppe Dash supporters

    Government guidance, in UK and in France, makes clear it is not possible that Dieppe Dash will be able to go ahead in May. Timescales of initial containment measures place the scheduled date of Dieppe Dash 2020 in the initial high risk period.

    We are in contact with our friends in Dieppe, who have no information of a favourable change in the situation in France for the foreseeable future; similarly we have no information of timescales following on from initial containment advice from UK Government. On the basis of advice available currently, in UK and in France, it is unlikely we would have sufficient notice to be able to prepare to run Dieppe Dash in the autumn of this year.

    Accordingly; it is with great regret, we must abandon our celebration of the 10th anniversary of Dieppe Dash.

    If you have entered and paid your entry fee please allow our administration team time to contact you regarding this matter.

    On a happier note; please register Friday, 30th April 2021 in your diaries when we will celebrate Dieppe Dash 10th anniversary, plus 1.

    Dieppe Dash 2019 – summary

    Often when racing the English Channel from Brighton, there appears to be plenty of wind on the English side, but the wind dies towards the French side, usually as slower boats are arriving.  The Dieppe Dash 2019 was the opposite.

    The race started at 7:30 BST so that bigger boats could leave the harbour after a spring low tide.  An upwind rounding buoy was set but in light winds, only two boats rounded it before the wind died and the tide was taking boats the wrong side. Several boats anchored for a while, but more abandoned the event.  Which turned out to be a pity because the wind did pick up and after that steadily increased, giving a cracking downwind sail to Dieppe.

    Nigel Pipe’s new boat, Temptress, was the first boat round the buoy and got so far ahead that it was never overtaken, although it was being slowly caught by Robert Stiles on Diamonds4Ever.  In the end there was only 70 seconds between them with Temptress getting a special prize for Line Honours and the best start.

    In the IRC race, Temptress was easily first on handicap, Diamonds4Ever were second and John Severs’ boat Summation got third place.

    In the SCCH race, Claude Weisang’s boat, Carabin, was deemed to be OCS which gave them a 5% time penalty.  So although they crossed the line first, the first place went to Xavier Villain on Foule Sentimentale, with Carabin second.  Stephen Pilkington on Luna Bay came third and was the last boat to arrive at 22:22 BST.

    So, the race finish team were delighted to able to retire to the bar well before midnight.

    16 rally boats left Brighton at various times. One boat started before midnight and several set off before the low tide.  Most of them benefitted from the increasing wind and had some good sailing at some stage.  The conditions particularly favoured Gilla with its unusual junk rig and they had a cracking sail over. All 16 arrived successfully in Dieppe, with a mixture of sailing and motoring.

    It was also nice that some social, non-sailing, members of the Yacht Clubs came over on the ferry to Dieppe to participate in the social events. So, there was a good club atmosphere in the Cercle de Voile de Dieppe.  As usual, we were given an excellent welcome by the Dieppe club and port, with a buffet on arrival and also at the prize-giving and live music from an excellent jazz band on Saturday night.

    Dieppe Dash 2018 – summary

    For the second year running the wind was substantially lighter than what the racing fleet would have liked. But for those of you reading this later and thinking the event always has light winds – just look back at the summary for 2014, when the wind was ideal and led to the course record being set.

    In 2018, only 5 of the 19 racing boats completed the course under sail, with the rest motoring in. A common failing on the Dieppe Dash seems to be going too far east and failing to make way back against the tide. The line hours were taken by for the second year running by Tanga Langa from Eastbourne, who arrived about 1am BST, about 18 and a half hours after the start. The IRC race was won by the French boat Exelan and the SCCH race was won by Summation from Brighton.

    11 of the cruising boats arrived safely in Dieppe, probably using motor for a substantial proportion of the journey.  The last boat arrived at about 4:30 am BST, at which point the long-suffering crew on the finish line could go to bed.

    Hopefully in 2019 we will have more wind!

    Dieppe Dash 2017 – summary

    The seventh Dieppe Dash was the one most lacking in wind since the start of the event. Although 36 boats entered, six dropped out prior to the event, mainly due to lack of progress in getting the boat ready in time.

    On the day, 30 boats set off from Brighton – 7 in the IRC race, 13 in the SCCH race and 10 cruising boats. The cruising boats chose their own start time, but the race started at 06:00 BST. The forecast was for a light north, north westerly wind to start with – downwind sailing. As the day progressed, the wind speed fell-off the bottom of the scale and many boats (both rally and racing) reported being becalmed mid-channel. 4 racing and 2 rally boats had a variety of problems and decided to turn back.

    The first boat to arrive in Dieppe was Windsong who had set off around 20:40 hrs on the Thursday evening after listening to the weather briefing. The next boat to arrive in Dieppe was another cruising boat, Blue Heaven at around 12:15 BST having set-off at 04:00 hrs BST.

    The race officer for the finish line found the harbour arm closed off with fencing since January due to the winter storms and it took time to negotiate access. The line was manned from about 12:30 hrs BST.

    There was a lot of tide – wow! At high water the sea was licking under the wooden boards of the harbour arm. As the tidal height reduced, it was like watching a lift! …it seemed only a matter of minutes passing by as each successive level of holes in the structure of the harbour arm were revealed.

    In the racing, line honours went to Tanga Langa, coming in nearly 7 hours later.

    Well into darkness, boats were calling to retire; it seemed that as one boat retired, that encouraged two more to do the same. Nearer to the shore the approach to the finish was like a minefield of flags in the water, far more than previously, adding to challenge of crossing the finish in light winds and a strong incoming tide.

    Temptation arrived at the finish area passing close to the pin-end. As fate would have it, they passed the wrong side of the mark – Oops..! By now it was low water; correction, Very Low water. In their attempts to get their spinnaker down they took their eye-off-the-ball and hit the beach! The beach is very steep at that point so they ‘bounced-off’ and managed to turn the boat returning for a second attempt at finishing. This involved going offshore outside the pin end then coming back in again; instead, Temptation went out between the pin and harbour arm. As they sailed around in the strong tide with little or no wind for the next 20mins or so, steadily making way north eastwards, they must have realised their fate was sealed – so close and yet so far away – they retired in sight of their goal.

    A short while later Kokomo approached the line from the north and being carried easterly by the tide as they approached. Unfortunately, their calculations were slightly off it appeared their projected rhumb-line was pointing straight at the harbour arm rather than the finish. The race officer had a grandstand view looking down on Kokomo as they struggled to clear of the end of the arm and point in the correct direction, with the amazing view of them pointing forwards but travelling in reverse. Frustrated, they also retired and then as they passed by the ferry terminal the wind started to fill-in…

    A few minutes later, boats that were visible on the horizon and had previously appeared stationary, were now some distance apart and moving in differing directions. Some wind had arrived and the game was on.

    Silver Fox came in to the finish, following a path so close to the shore that she was parallel to and on the shore-side of the finish line and had to change course to seaward to be able to cross the line.

    A few minutes earlier Kereru came up to the line square-on and crossed at the mid-point, a perfect finish. Those who know the skipper, Peter Whittle, will know that he is the person most likely to achieve this impressive feat.

    In the end only 3 IRC and 4 SCCH boats managed to complete the race, with 24 arriving safely in Dieppe. The IRC race was won for the 3rd time by Matador skippered by Herve Barrat. Tanga Langa, skippered by Paul Tullett won the SCCH trophy and line honours.

    What had earlier appeared to be an all-night vigil for the race officers quickly dissolved as the last few racing boats notified they were retiring from the race.

    But the silver lining was the weather was good for the rest of the weekend and an excellent party was enjoyed on Saturday as usual. Our hosts as always made us feel welcome.

    Dieppe Dash 2016 summary

    For the sixth Dieppe Dash event, in the week before the event the organisers had concerns that the weather forecast suggested strong winds that might deter some participants, but also make starting the race of the event more difficult.

    In the event, 38 boats entered although a number of boats withdrew even before the day of the event because of injuries sustained either by the boats themelves – or the skipper!

    By the time of the skipper’s briefing, the weather forecast had improved though there was much discussion about whether the improvement was sufficient.  A few mlore boats decided not to risk it.  The worst of the weather was due to pass through before the start.  But there was likely to still be enough swell as the start to make sitting in a committee boat to start the race uncomfortable.  So for the first time in the Dieppe Dash, the decision was made to have a shore-based start.

    In the end about 26 boats set out on the Friday morning and only 4 turned back. The rest all successfully arrived in Dieppe – 8 in the rally fleet, 9 in the IRC race and 5 in the SCCH race.  The wind forecast turned out to be correct with most wind in mid-channel – 25 knots gusting up to 30 – but then calming down towards the French side.  Fortunately it did not die completely so all boats arrived in a perfectly respectable time.  And the waiting organisers managed to leave their posts before darkness came – a bonus for them.

    The first boat across was the first of the Prima 38’s Bare Knuckles from Eastbourne, skippered by Brian Tugwell, and finishing in 7 hours, 52 minutes and 45 seconds.   But it was not until the prize giving on Saturday that the rest of the awards were realized.

    The IRC race was a French one-two with Matador, led by Herve Barret, winning first place and Bigaro, skippered by Christophe Malandrin, coming second.  In fact only 90 seconds separated second and fourth place.  Third was Bare Knuckles and just missing out on a podium place by only 39 seconds was Concession, a Contessa 26 owned by Graham Walton – the smallest boat in any of the fleets.

    The SCCH race was won by Pleiades from Eastbourne, owned by Charles Erb.  And just to make it an extra special day, it was also Mrs Erb’s birthday – one of those important birthdays with a zero at the end.  Charles admitted before the race that the forecast was for the ideal conditions for his boat – a Westerley Ocean 43.  But when the result was announced he face told us that he did not believe he had actually won.  Second place went to another French boat, Foule Sentimentale led by Xavier Villain. In third place was Alan Salvidge on Ascent.

    An additional prize was given – the Spirit of the Dash – to Stephen Pilkington of Luna Bay.  Stephen, based in Eastbourne, originally entered the SCCH race and attempted to get to Brighton on Thursday, in time for the skipper’s briefly.  But Luna Bay was one of two boats that did not manage to get around Beachy Head into the wind in sufficient time and had to turn back.  Instead he departed from Eastbourne as a rally boat – doing it single-handed – although motoring a fair way we hear.  But so glad that he made the effort and was rewarded for it.  All the other rally boats also found they had something to collect at the prize-giving.

    Saturday in Dieppe was a beautiful day with glorious sunshine and then a great party with live music in the yacht club in the evening.  A number of boats left the following day attempting to sail back home in more sunshine – but quickly put their engines on as the wind did not pick up for a few hours.

    Dieppe Dash 2015 summary

    46 Boats entered the 2015 Dieppe Dash, 21 in the rally (cruising) fleet and 25 in the racing fleets. Of these 40 actually departed for Dieppe.

    The weather forecast was for winds of about 20 knots, lessening as the day progressed. And sure enough there was wind, though a little more than most expected. A number of boats turned back in the first 3 hours. But the majority carried on and were rewarded by the promised lessening of the wind.

    Except that the wind died late in the day, on the French side, more than expected. The bigger faster boats managed to get to Dieppe with out stopping. But a number other boats encountered a near calm. For the rally boats that did not prove a problem. They just put on their engines and motored through to find more wind – or the harbour. But the majority of the racing boats were seeking a proper finish and sat it out, even when stationary within sight of the French coast. Eventually a little more wind arrived and they were able to limp across.

    But the area of the finish was peppered with fishing buoys. To limit the risk of boats being caught up, the skippers had to keep a good look out. Also the buoy at the outer end of the finish line had to be brought nearer the west arm. In trying to cross the finish quicker, Kereru strayed too near the arm and entered a sheltered area, being overtaken by three boats just 100 metres from the line.

    In the end, 10 cruising boats arrived safely in Dieppe, with Saga, the last to arrive, berthing up after a long day, near midnight. 18 racing boats completed the race, though a number of other racing boats did arrive after retiring from the race and putting their engines on. The line honors were claimed by Hurricane who completed in a creditable 8 hours, 32 minutes and 50 seconds. As in last year 3 French boats joined us in the Dash home.

    On the Saturday night there was party with a live band, though a number of boats decided not to stay for it with a forecast for strong winds on the Sunday. But those who did stay had a great time.